Dashboard Brett's Lifeforce Results

Brett's Lifeforce Results

Lifeforce Membership What's included:
  • At-home blood draw every 3 months for 50+ biomarkers
  • 1:1 clinical consultation every 3 months
  • Unlimited health coaching
  • 20% off supplements
  • Access to members-only pharmaceuticals
  • Personalized program and biomarker tracking dashboard
Sermorelin Hormone Optimization Personalized Instructions:
Take 2 tablets twice per day with meals.
Metformin Hormone Optimization
Peak NMN Healthspan + Longevity
Omega Cardiac + Immune
Magnesium Brain + Muscle
Dr. Alli Smithson, MD Lifeforce Clinician

Dear Brett,

Welcome to Lifeforce and congrats on completing your diagnostic. We’re so glad you’re here! My name is Dr. Dawn Kabba and I’m a board-certified physician passionate about helping people transform their lives. I read in your intake that your 10 year goal is to continue surfing and stay strong, so let's get you there!

Right now we’ll walk through your Diagnostic Report. Your diagnostic also includes a live telehealth consultation with a Lifeforce clinician to go deeper into your results and recommended plan. You will receive an email with a link to book this consultation or you can set that up through the portal.

Our diagnostic provides a comprehensive baseline of how your body is functioning. In your dashboard you’ll see that sometimes levels look to be “in range” but are not in the ideal part of the range. I will make recommendations to move the dial to the optimal end of the range which will benefit your health, longevity, and quality of life. My goal here is to focus on the areas that are having the greatest impact and give you actionable steps to get where you want to be.

I’ve divided your biomarkers into 5 main categories but I want to focus on the top priorities for you which are: Reducing Key Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease.There is significant interplay between these three areas but by targeting these in particular, we can improve both your health and your longevity. Let's get started!

  • Priority 1 : Reducing Key Cardiovascular Risk Factors. When looked at together, these biomarkers give us an idea of your risk for a future cardiac event, stroke, or developing heart disease. It's a much more detailed view than simply checking a cholesterol panel and gives us additional insight into your cardiovascular health.

Principal Biomarkers:

  • The main risk factors that are of concern and out of range for you are the following: LDL cholesterol, Lipoprotein (a), hs-CRP, and Apolipoprotein B.

  • LDL is considered the "bad" cholesterol because it is directly correlated with plaque formation and the risk for heart disease and cardiac events. Your level is 120 and we want to lower this value to less than 90, if possible, to mitigate these risks. An optimal level for Lipoprotein (a) is < 75 and your value is 208. Since this value is not affected by your lifestyle and is determined by your genes, there are no specific treatments to lower lipoprotein (a).  However, since this tells us that you may be at risk for having a cardiac event in the future, it is important to do what we can to improve your heart and metabolic health. Lastly, Apo B can be a risk factor for future cardiovascular disease. It is important to maintain a healthy weight, a reduced carbohydrate diet and limit your intake of saturated fats. These lifestyle changes have been shown to reduce Apo B levels. Elevations may be due to a high-fat diet and/or decreased clearing of LDL (bad cholesterol) from the blood. Indisputable data support the concept that apoB is a better tool to assess cardiovascular disease than just looking at a regular cholesterol panel. Multiple studies show that Apo B is a better predictor of mortality and heart attacks, especially in people with diabetes or metabolic syndrome, or who are on statin therapy. A target Apo B level is less than 90 and your level is 95.

I’ve divided your biomarkers into 5 main categories but I want to focus on the top priorities for you which are: Reducing Key Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease.There is significant interplay between these three areas but by targeting these in particular, we can improve both your health and your longevity. Let's get started!

Best Wishes,

Dr. Dawn Kabba, MD

You can also view and/or download your Preliminary Note.

Cardiovascular Risk

Dementia Risk

Osteoporosis Risk

Cancer Risk

Metabolic Risk

Lower Risk
Elevated Risk
343.3 280.0 Out of Range
230.0 Optimal Range
90.0 Normal Range
26.7 Out of Range
180 12/22
231 03/23
283 07/23
343.3 280.0 Out of Range
230.0 Optimal Range
90.0 Normal Range
26.7 Out of Range
180 12/22
283 03/23
231 07/23
343.3 280.0 Out of Range
230.0 Optimal Range
90.0 Normal Range
26.7 Out of Range
180 12/22
231 03/23
180 07/23
343.3 280.0 Out of Range
230.0 Optimal Range
90.0 Normal Range
26.7 Out of Range
180 12/22
231 03/23
180 07/23
343.3 280.0 Out of Range
230.0 Optimal Range
90.0 Normal Range
26.7 Out of Range
180 12/22
231 03/23
283 07/23
343.3 280.0 Out of Range
230.0 Optimal Range
90.0 Normal Range
26.7 Out of Range
180 12/22
283 03/23
231 07/23
343.3 280.0 Out of Range
230.0 Optimal Range
90.0 Normal Range
26.7 Out of Range
180 12/22
231 03/23
283 07/23

Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-1) is a hormone made by the liver that tells your bones and muscles to grow. People with low IGF levels are more likely to have metabolic syndrome — high blood pressure, high cholesterol, more belly fat — and increased risk for heart disease and type 2 diabetes. IGF-1 responds quickly to lifestyle changes, such as sleeping and lowering stress, and the targeted peptide, sermorelin. 

Low IGF-1 is associated with: 

  • Muscle mass loss

  • Brittle bones

  • Thin skin

  • Low energy levels

  • Slow metabolism

343.3 280.0 Out of Range
230.0 Optimal Range
90.0 Normal Range
26.7 Out of Range
180 12/22
231 03/23
283 07/23