About Lifescore

89 / 100 *Oct 20, 2024
Lifeforce Score
Lifeforce Score Lifeforce Score Lifeforce Score Lifeforce Score Lifeforce Score

Your overall Lifescore is calculated using inputs from three metrics: your Quality of Life ratings, your Longevity Risk score, and the difference between your Biological Age and your actual, chronological age.

Your score can range from 1-100 and our goal is to have members maintain a score of 85 and above. You will be given a score at the onset of your membership as a baseline, and it will be updated with every retest while you are a member.

About Quality of Life

Your Quality of Life score is a reflection of how you are feeling and functioning, based on your self-reported ratings for things like energy, focus, alertness, libido, mood, and body composition.

These ratings are an important indicator of internal health, and we aim to keep your Quality of Life charged at a level of 4 and above. Using a holistic approach, we will provide science-backed recommendations to improve this metric and score.

About Longevity Risk

Cardiovascular Risk

Dementia Risk

Osteoporosis Risk

Cancer Risk

Metabolic Risk

Lower Risk
Elevated Risk
Lower Risk Elevated Risk

Of the top 10 causes of death in the US, 5 are chronic diseases that if caught and addressed early, can significantly improve longevity as well as overall healthspan, or how many years you remain disease-free and healthy. These include: heart disease, metabolic dysfunction such as diabetes, osteoporosis, dementia and cancer.

The Longevity Risk Score is calculated using your biomarkers, your family history, your personal medical history and lifestyle habits. Some of these are non-modifiable risk factors (such as family history) but many others are modifiable, such as biomarkers and lifestyle, meaning if we address them early, we can halt or slow down progression towards these conditions. Some of the biomarkers included in the algorithm are apolipoprotein B, LDL, Homocysteine, hormone levels and lifestyle factors including intake of red meat, fruits and veggies, and how often you exercise. No matter where you fall, your Lifeforce team will work with you to get you where you need to be so that you can live the healthiest life possible. With the right interventions, guidance, and commitment, you can improve this score and your long term health outcomes.

About Biological Age


Biological age tells a story of how slowly or rapidly your internal body is aging and the choices you make with your health along the way can directly impact this. The Biological Age Algorithm was developed by scientists from Yale, UCLA and the NIH, and looks at 9 specific biomarkers (albumin, creatinine, glucose and hsCRP, to name a few) to determine how well you are aging at a cellular level.

Our goal at Lifeforce is to keep your Biological Age at a minimum of five years below that of your birth age. It’s not uncommon for Lifeforce members to have a “young” biological age, and it is our mission to maintain that youthfulness inside and out, for years to come.