Dashboard Scheduling Complete

Scheduling Complete

You have successfully scheduled your blood draw appointment. To manage or make changes to your appointment, please go to the appointments section in your dashboard. Your appointment can be rescheduled up to 24 hours in advance of the appointment by clicking the link in your appointment confirmation email or SMS, or from your dashboard.

Your Diagnostic Journey

Health Questionnaire
Access Dashboard
Blood Draw

Next Step: Health Questionnaire

It will take about 20 minutes (but it just might add years to your life), and you can “save and exit” and come back if you get pulled away. We ask that you submit within two days of your blood draw so we can get to work.

You will need to fast, as well as not consume alcohol, aspirin, or vitamin B3, for 10 hours before your appointment. Feel free to take any other daily supplements and drink plenty of water, as hydrated veins support a seamless draw. For Heavy Metals panel, avoid seafood and red wine 72 hours prior to test.

The Lifeforce Diagnostic measures 50+ biomarkers that drive your mental and physical performance:

  • Hormone Balance
  • Metabolic Condition
  • Critical Nutrients
  • Organ Health
  • Key Health Risks