It’s time to take control of your health. The Lifeforce Membership brings together the data to understand your body, the medical experts to interpret it, and the tools to look, feel, and function at your best.

$678 $349 then $129 / month (cancel anytime)

Health Optimization Made Easy

85% of Lifeforce members report improved quality of life within their first 3 months.


Take an at-home blood test covering 40+ biomarkers driving your health and performance.


Receive a personalized plan of hormones, peptides, nutraceuticals, or lifestyle improvements.


Work with medicinal doctors and performance coaches to understand your trends and stay optimized.
Lifeforce Membership

Lifeforce Membership


Optimize your health with the Lifeforce Membership, which includes your initial Lifeforce Diagnostic at-home blood test. We’ll measure 40+ biomarkers that drive your mental and physical health, then get you on the path to optimized with:

  • Quarterly Biomarker Testing
  • Expert Clinical Support
  • Members-only Hormone Optimization
  • 1-on-1 Health Coaching
  • 20% Off Nutraceuticals
$678 $349 then $129 / month (cancel anytime)
HSA/FSA-eligible with . Learn More

The Lifeforce Journey

Months 0-1

Measure Baseline

We’ll measure the key biomarkers that impact your mental and physical performance, and get to know your health history and goals for the future. You’ll meet with a Lifeforce medical doctor to review your results and get your personal optimization plan.

Months 2-5

Get Optimized

With a dedicated health coach by your side, we’ll put your plan into action. That starts with the quickest wins to get you optimized so you can look, feel, and perform at your best.

Months 6-9


Every four months, we’ll retest your biomarkers to track how your body’s responding and fine-tune your plan. Meet with your doctor to identify your next set of priorities. We’ll hone your health coaching to match.

Months 9+

Actively Maintain

Optimization isn’t a “one and done” process. Your body is dynamic and continues to change as you age. We’ll make sure your plan is continuously working for you, then work with you to level up your goals.

40+ Essential Biomarkers

Your Body's Messengers, Pulling The Strings On All Male And Female Systems.

Discover which biomarkers matter the most to you.

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

Thyroid controls or supports many functions in the body, including your weight, skin and hair health, energy levels, mood, and more. TSH is the signal the brain sends to your thyroid gland to make thyroid hormone.

Luteinizing Hormone (LH)

Luteinizing hormone (LH) is FSH's partner in reproductive health. In women, LH causes your ovaries to release eggs. In men, it prompts the testicles to make testosterone and supports sperm production.

Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH)

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is a vital reproductive hormone. It helps women to release their eggs and men to make sperm.


Estradiol is the main form of estrogen in both women and men. Levels naturally increase in men with age and decrease in women as they reach menopause.


DHEA-S is a hormone that works behind the scenes to help produce other sex hormones, including testosterone and estrogen.

Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF-1)

Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-1) is a hormone made by the liver that tells your bones and muscles to grow.

Total Testosterone

The primary male sex hormone produced in the testes in men, and in smaller doses in the ovaries of women, testosterone regulates everything from bone and muscle mass, to fat distribution, to libido, energy levels, and mood. Managing testosterone levels is especially important for men after age 35, when levels begin to steadily decline.

Free Testosterone

Unbound testosterone is called free testosterone and is the active and accessible form of the hormone.

Track Your Body’s Performance

You’re continuously evolving — your plan should, too. That’s why we retest your biomarkers every three months to track what’s changed, what’s improved, and what needs work. From there, we’ll fine-tune your plan to help you reach your peak, and stay there.

Get Expert Clinical Support

Data is only as good as the expert interpreting it. With your Lifeforce Membership, you’ll gain ultra-personalized clinical insights from only the most experienced medical doctors, board certified in functional medicine, endocrinology, and performance-based medicine.

Unlock Members-Only Hormones & Peptides

Feel like you, but better. Our experienced medical team will closely track your hormone levels to create a personalized plan, including members-only hormone optimization and peptides. You’ll get exactly what you need — and nothing you don’t — to look, feel, and perform at your best.

Get a Personal Health Coach

Want updates on the latest longevity research? Tips on how to get the most from your program? An accountability partner that keeps you on track to achieve your goals? Your dedicated Health Coach provides just that — anytime you need a nudge.

Access Exclusive Lifeforce Discounts

One more membership perk: 20% off all Lifeforce nutraceuticals so you have everything you need to stay at your peak.

Meet Our Team

Meet our team of clinical physicians and health coaches that will support you on your Lifeforce journey.

Dr. Dawn Kabba, MD

Board certified in obstetrics, gynecology, and functional medicine.

Dr. Dawn Kabba, MD

Board certified in obstetrics, gynecology, and functional medicine.

Dr. Dawn Kabba, MD

Board certified in obstetrics, gynecology, and functional medicine.

Compare The Membership

The Lifeforce Membership is a single, integrated system for feeling, looking, and performing at your best now and for the future.

Feature Comparison Lifeforce Membership Product A Product B
Name an important feature $50.00 $50.00 $50.00
Name an important feature Included Included Included
Name an important feature Included Not Included Not Included

Get The Lifeforce Membership, Including The Diagnostic, To Save

  • Take an at-home blood test covering 40+ biomarkers driving your health and performance
  • Receive a personalized plan of hormones, peptides, nutraceuticals, or lifestyle improvements
  • Work with functional medicine doctors and performance coaches to understand your trends and stay optimized
$678 $349 then $129 / month (cancel anytime)

“What better gift could you give yourself than the ability to optimize your vitality and strength to last and even increase with age?”

Membership FAQ

The Lifeforce Membership is a single, integrated system for feeling, looking, and performing at your best now and for the future.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum (link example) has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Payment Options

Annual Membership

Save $600
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$2,226 $1,626 / year (cancel anytime)

Monthly Membership

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  • Benefit that a user receives that is lorem ipsum dummy text
$349 then $129 / month (cancel anytime)

How It Works


Measure Baseline

Begin your journey with our at-home blood test that measures the 40+ biomarkers that drive your mental and physical performance. Then review your results with a Lifeforce medical doctor.


Start Plan

Your customized plan, written by a Lifeforce medical doctor, will include any recommended nutraceuticals, hormone optimization and peptides, and lifestyle changes — all based on your biology and goals.


Track Progress

Re-test your biomarkers every three months to track what’s changed, what’s improved, and what needs work. Your body is continuously evolving, and we’ll rigorously monitor each shift, big and small, so we can take action and keep you in your best state.


Review & Recalibrate

Together, we’ll review your results and fine-tune your program so you’re always making progress toward your goals. This is not a ‘one and done’ process — we’ll make sure the plan you’re on is continuously working for you.