Lifeforce Diagnostic

Lifeforce Diagnostic


Our at-home blood test measures 40+ biomarkers that drive your mental and physical performance. Diagnostics include a telehealth visit, clinical report, and personalized plan created by a Lifeforce clinician.

  • Hormone Balance
  • Metabolic Condition
  • Critical Nutrients
  • Organ Health
  • Key Health Risks
$678 $549
HSA/FSA-eligible with . Learn More
To fully optimize your health with quarterly testing and hormone support we recommend the Lifeforce Membership starting at just $349.

Take Your First Step

Your diagnostic includes an at-home blood test, telehealth visit, full clinical summary, and personalized plan outlining any hormone optimization, nutraceutical, or lifestyle tools that will improve your performance.

A test of this depth usually costs $650+. We offer our diagnostic at cost to empower you with the data to take control of your health.

Why Normal Isn't Optimal

Most 'normal' biomarker ranges are focused on diagnosing disease, not on helping you identify what’s optimal for performance. For example, the traditional 'normal' range for vitamin D is 30-100 ng/ml, however research suggests 50-100 ng/ml is a more optimal range for performance. The Lifeforce Diagnostic isn’t just a comprehensive snapshot of your health, it’s a proactive investment in reaching your peak.

Compare Options

Lifeforce Diagnostic

  • Measure 40+ biomarkers that drive your mental and physical performance
  • Includes results, initial consultation, and doctor recommendations
$678 $549

Lifeforce Membership

Save $200
  • Measure of 40+ biomarkers that drive your mental and physical performance every quarter
  • Includes results, doctor recommendations, and 1-on-1 health coaching
  • Members-only Hormone Optimization
  • 20% Off Nutraceuticals
$678 $349 then $129 / month (cancel anytime)

40+ Essential Biomarkers

Your Body's Messengers, Pulling The Strings On All Male And Female Systems.

Discover which biomarkers matter the most to you.

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

Thyroid controls or supports many functions in the body, including your weight, skin and hair health, energy levels, mood, and more. TSH is the signal the brain sends to your thyroid gland to make thyroid hormone.

Luteinizing Hormone (LH)

Luteinizing hormone (LH) is FSH's partner in reproductive health. In women, LH causes your ovaries to release eggs. In men, it prompts the testicles to make testosterone and supports sperm production.

Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH)

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is a vital reproductive hormone. It helps women to release their eggs and men to make sperm.


Estradiol is the main form of estrogen in both women and men. Levels naturally increase in men with age and decrease in women as they reach menopause.


DHEA-S is a hormone that works behind the scenes to help produce other sex hormones, including testosterone and estrogen.

Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF-1)

Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-1) is a hormone made by the liver that tells your bones and muscles to grow.

Total Testosterone

The primary male sex hormone produced in the testes in men, and in smaller doses in the ovaries of women, testosterone regulates everything from bone and muscle mass, to fat distribution, to libido, energy levels, and mood. Managing testosterone levels is especially important for men after age 35, when levels begin to steadily decline.

Free Testosterone

Unbound testosterone is called free testosterone and is the active and accessible form of the hormone.


Most tests measure only 3-6 biomarkers. Lifeforce measures 40+ for a complete picture of your health, including advanced biomarkers rarely available in mainstream medicine.


Results are delivered with a full clinical report and personalized performance plan written by a Lifeforce Medical doctor.


Get your blood drawn from a licensed phlebotomist right at home (included in diagnostic cost), then receive your results via a simple digital platform.

Get The Lifeforce Membership, Including The Diagnostic, To Save

  • Take an at-home blood test covering 40+ biomarkers driving your health and performance
  • Receive a personalized plan of hormones, peptides, nutraceuticals, or lifestyle improvements
  • Work with functional medicine doctors and performance coaches to understand your trends and stay optimized
$678 $349 then $129 / month (cancel anytime)

“What better gift could you give yourself than the ability to optimize your vitality and strength to last and even increase with age?”